Claude Monet Claude Monet was one of the founding fathers of French Impressionism. Monet's concern was to reflect the influence of light on a subject. He never abandoned his Impressionist painting style until his death in when Fauvism and Cubism were en vogue and when abstract painting came into existence Claude Monet’s piece titled Sunrise (Marine) illustrates the daylight in the industrial port of Le Havre of the north coast, France. This piece was made in March or April of The piece’s present location is the J. Paul Getty Museum, west pavilion, gallery w Claude Monet Essay The shimmering light and breathtaking colors of Claude Monet ‘s work have made him one of the world’s most popular artists for almost a century. His studies of the changing effects of sunlight on haystacks, churches, fields, and water gardens were unique in his time and extremely influential to subsequent generations
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His studies of the changing effects of sunlight on haystacks, churches, fields, and water gardens were unique in his time and extremely influential to subsequent generations. As a founder of the style known as impressionism, Monet broke with many traditions to create a new method of painting—and of seeing the world around us.
Without his innovations, the course of twentieth-century art would have been quite different. Claude-Oscar Monet was born in Paris on November 14, When he was five years old, his family moved to Le Havre, a port on the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Paris.
He became known for his talent at drawing caricatures of claude monet essay around claude monet essay. In fact, he was not particularly successful at school because he spent most of his time drawing. When he was a teenager, he began to earn money for his portraiture.
He met his first important teacher, Eug? Monet loved painting in the open air and did so for the rest of his life. He was able to do so early in his career because paint had begun to become available in tubes that artists could carry with them. Before, they were forced to mix colored powder and oil in jars, a very messy process that was particularly clumsy outside the studio. But when he was nineteen, one of his aunts who loved to paint claude monet essay him the money to go to Paris to study art.
Still, Monet was not satisfied with the traditional styles that were being taught there. He longed to get outdoors and paint the sunlight and trees and water. In Paris Monet met other young painters who shared his desires, Pierre-Auguste Renoir,? douard Manet, Alfred Sisley, and Fr?
ric Bazille among them. This success convinced his family that he was on claude monet essay right track after all, and they began funding him again—until they claude monet essay out that he was living with the young woman in claude monet essay painting, claude monet essay, Camille Doncieux. They ordered him to return home and cut him off financially. Monet began regular travel between Paris and the north of France in an effort to earn money to support his new family; he borrowed from anyone he could.
It was a difficult time, but he nonetheless managed to paint many pictures. In he married Doncieux and the couple went to London to escape the war raging between France and Prussia. The birth of impressionism After the war Monet and his family settled in Argenteuil, a small town near Paris. He put together a floating studio of sorts and painted scenes on the river there.
Other painters visited Argenteuil to paint with Monet. He was able to make a small living because an art dealer in Paris believed in the new style promoted by Monet and his friends Renoir, Alfred Pissarro, claude monet essay, and Paul C?
They organized an exhibit of their work in Paris in One of the paintings Monet contributed to the show was titled Impression: Sunrise. Neither critics nor the public took the work of these young painters seriously.
Ultimately, the style called impressionism became the most important movement of nineteenth-century art. The traditional subjects of the day in the visual arts were figures and events from history, religious narratives, or classical mythology. The predominant style featured dark, muted colors and clear, sharply outlined forms. Monet and the other impressionists, considered radical in their methods, longed to capture the ordinary sights that comprised their lives.
They experimented with pigment, trying to achieve just the claude monet essay combination of hue and light to illustrate what their eyes took in out-of-doors. If the viewer stands very close to one of his paintings, it is difficult to make out the subject—the image before the viewer appears merely as dabs and slashes of paint.
But when the viewer steps back, the colorful brush strokes combine to form people strolling down a street or flowers in a field, claude monet essay. Not deterred claude monet essay criticism Despite the withering criticism he received, Monet continued to paint in the impressionist style, claude monet essay. And he began to find a few bold souls who expressed an interest in the results. One of them was Ernest Hoched?
The Hoched? family, including Ernest and Alice and their six children, became friendly with the Monet family.
But in many of Hoched? Alice Hoched? and her children remained behind. That summer she and the Monet family rented a summer house together in a small town. There were eight children in the house and very little money. Then, Madame Monet developed tuberculosis; she died that fall. Monet was devastated and found it almost impossible to paint, claude monet essay. labored to care for him and all of the children. They stayed in the summer house for several years because they could not afford to return to Paris.
Eventually, Monet claude monet essay to paint again. During the s and early s he participated in several shows with the other impressionist painters. His work of this period was dominated by landscapes and seascapes, among them The Cliff Walk at Pourville and The Cliff at Etretat, which depicts claude monet essay large rock formation jutting out into the sea.
He also painted the swirling steam and smoke of a steam engine at a station in Gare Saint-Lazare. Another famous painting of this time is Rue Montorgueil Decked Out with Flags, a Parisian street scene in which every window and doorway is draped with the French flag in celebration of a national holiday. The colorful banners, which seem to wave in the wind, lend the work great energy and excitement.
Settled near scenic Giverny As soon as Monet was able to sell a few paintings, claude monet essay, he began to look for a more suitable home for himself, Madame Hoched?
He located the perfect residence in the small town of Giverny, roughly sixty miles from Paris, claude monet essay. Monet lived in this house from until his death on December 5, —over forty years, claude monet essay. He spent much time planting the garden there, which grew both flowers and vegetables.
The children were charged with weeding and watering. There was also a river nearby where the children could swim and boat, claude monet essay. The house and gardens are today the Monet Museum. They are maintained very much as they were when Monet and his extended family lived there.
Inclaude monet essay, after receiving word that Ernest Hoched? had died, Monet and Alice Hoched? were married. Art dealers from as far away as America journeyed to Giverny to see Monet. It was during this time that he began to paint his acclaimed series.
Focusing on a single subject, he would paint it at various times of the day to demonstrate how the shifting light changed the appearance of the scene. Day after day, claude monet essay, he would return to the same spot to capture just the light he sought. He painted haystacks, poplar trees, the cathedral of the city of Rouen, and the bridge over the river near his home, claude monet essay. Perhaps his most famous series was produced near the end of his life. He had created a water garden at his home at Giverny and painted large canvases of the water lilies growing there.
He painted them almost exclusively for the last ten years of his life. The results are on display in an impressionist art museum in Paris; just two of them take up the wall space of an entire room. Began to lose sight in older age As he grew older, Monet suffered from cataracts, a painful eye disease that rendered him almost blind.
He continued to paint, but many of his pictures took on a predominantly reddish hue and appeared blurry. When he finally underwent surgery to correct the condition, claude monet essay, the vivid colors and sun-dappled forms that had made him famous returned to his paintings. By the s Monet was arguably the best-known artist in France—if not in all the world. Honors and praises were heaped on him, though he did not pay them much mind.
He was never quite satisfied that he could capture light and color exactly as he saw it. But admirers of his art concur that what he did capture was extraordinary. You can find top custom writing companies listed rightside at our blogroll side-bar. Home Prices How It Works FAQ Order. Need a Custom Art Papers?
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Claude Monet's Grainstack (Sunset) is the painting I chose from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Monet was an impressionist painter in France, and did most of his work at his home at Giverny. Impressionism got is name from a painting that Monet painted, Impression blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Claude Monet was a French landscape painter and a founder of impressionism. He held onto his belief of his painting style throughout his long career and is considered to be the most consistently representative painter of that time. He is also one of the leading painters of landscapes in Claude Monet 5 Pages Revolutionary Painters At the turn of 19th century painting undergone a lot of changes with new discoveries in science and the defeat of France in Franco-Prussian war. Artists like Edouard Monet and Georges Seurat helped shape these transformations. Monet is usually seen as the father
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