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Home» IELTS BAND 9 ESSAYS» Band 9 IELTS essay sample about international news Some people think that secondary school children should study international news as one of the school subjects. Other people think that it is a waste of valuable school blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Free Children and Young People Essay Samples. Our aim is to help you with your essays and our huge library of research material is available for you to use for your assignments. If you do use any part of our free Children and Young People essay samples please remember to reference the work Here you can find school essays in various topics for kids. Most of the essays written by our children and you also can participate in essay writing contest, it will be massive opportunity for you / your kids to share the essay written by kids with other children around the world, not only that our children can read these essays and learn to write their own essay using those sample essay as a
School and Communities Free Essay Example
A school leader guides a student for such a brief moment, but sample essays for school children one of the connections that contribute to a student being successful and allowing for the student to transition easily in the learning environment?
There are several major transitions starting with kindergarten and progressing to the middle school level, and then onto high school.
Each transitional time is critical and requires additional support to continue and to achieve academically. Based on my review of various articles, the following topics are promising directions that have emerged as areas that will make the connection powerful and successful. Family involvement during Kindergarten sample essays for school children is essential for young students to achieve to their potential. The importance of being prepared academically for school, and its implications for parents, has been the subject of extensive research and attention.
In my readings it was suggested that a network of social connections that support children and families during the Kindergarten transition are needed, including interactions between teachers and children, children and peers, parents and teachers, sample essays for school children, and preschool teachers and Kindergarten teachers.
While there is an increased amount of evidence about the elements that support Kindergarten readiness, there is also a need to better integrate the early childhood development literature to fully understand the connections that make a difference and allow the student to be successful. For example, Fantuzzo et al. Studies such as this can begin to build understanding of how parent involvement changes from pre-school to Kindergarten. Future research can also build our understanding of the specific types of family and community connections that provide a strong support network for children, particularly those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, as they prepare to enter Kindergarten.
Despite the continued occurrence of the myth that family and community connections are primarily important at the elementary school level, researchers have begun exploring the effects of school, family, and community connections during transitions to middle and high school as well.
Gutman and Midgley found that during the transition from the elementary level to the middle school level, both school factors and family factors were important to support academic achievement in African American students.
This study found that parent involvement does not decline, as expected, but rather shifts as students move into middle and high school. These results confirm the importance of continued exploration of needs that students have during the transition to middle school and to high school, and roles that families play in supporting these transitions. The impact of school outreach is an important finding. School outreach and invitations to families and community members have a significant impact on the level and quality of family and community connections.
Simon found that when schools reach out, and families and community members feel that the school is extending invitations at a personal level, they respond with higher attendance at school-based activities and better quality of family involvement at home. The unique role that schools play in initiating and setting the tone for connections with families and the community cannot be denied. Researchers have also suggested that more research is needed regards to what motivates individual school staff members to reach out to parents and community and how school staff can be further motivated and supported in building these relationships.
There is a growing understanding of the role that relationships between staff in schools and community organizations play in the development of successful collaborations between school and communities. Jehlet al. They suggest that these sticking points must be understood and addressed in order to build effective partnerships. These disconnects can be exacerbated by the lack of personal relationships that build trust and understanding between school and community staff Center for Mental Health in Schools, a, sample essays for school children.
It is clear that family, school, and community connections can benefit children from before the time they enter Kindergarten until after they graduate from high school. Our charge in the educational field of study is to come together to address the issues highlighted in this synthesis paper and to clarify the concept and outcomes of family and community connections with schools. Catsambis, sample essays for school children, S. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University.
htm Center for Mental Health in Schools. Expanding educational reform to address barriers to sample essays for school children Restructuring student support services and enhancing school community partnerships. Los Angeles, CA: Center for Mental Health in Schools. pdf Fantuzzo, sample essays for school children, J. Family involvement questionnaire: A multivariate assessment of family participation in early childhood education. Journal sample essays for school children Educational Psychology, 92 2 Gutman, L.
The role of protective factors in supporting the academic achievement of poor African American students during the middle school transition, sample essays for school children.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 29 2 Jehl, J. Education and community building: Connecting two worlds. Washington, sample essays for school children, DC: Institute for Educational Leadership, Inc.
Starkey, P. Early Education and Development, 11 5 Van Voorhis, F. The effects of interactive TIPS homework on family involvement and science achievement of middle grade students. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Florida. School and Communities. Accessed May 19, School and Communities Categories: Community Early Childhood Education Education Middle School Research School Teacher.
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