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The last samurai essay

The last samurai essay

the last samurai essay

 · In the film ‘The Last Samurai’, directed by Edward Zwick and the poem ‘Flames and Dangling Wire’ by Robert Gray the composers have used techniques to make meaning, and have explored the challenges and obstacles faced by characters/society who change: firstly, through the past and the present; secondly; by the effect of external forces. Both composers The Last Samurai Essay Sample Samurai are a group of powerful warriors that existed in Japan until the late ’s. In the film “The Last Samurai” we have the opportunity to learn more about the positive characteristics of them. Samurai is very compassionate and they humbly express that emotion A Matter of Film talks about The Last Samurai in this analysis/ you like this movie, be sure to buy it: B

The Last Samurai Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

We use cookies to give you the best the last samurai essay possible. Samurai is very compassionate and they humbly express that emotion. Perhaps the most important trait of the Samurai, is discipline. The Last Samurai is a war and drama film, based on a true story depicting honour and courage.

Nathan Algren Tom Cruise is an American civil war the last samurai essay who carries moral scars of his victory against the native Indians.

He drowns his guilt in alcohol until his old commander drags him into meeting with Prince Mitsui, a Japanese businessman who offers Algren to train the Japanese government army. At that time Japan was led by Emperor Meiji who had a vision of modern army. He had ideas of improving the performance of the army through the latest fire-weapons and implying war strategies. And this is the moment when the conflict arises since the old Japanese samurai society stands against this rapid transformation.

Led by Katsumoto a few hundred samurai, rebel and are ordered to be eliminated. This is when Algren comes to demonstrate the power of the weapons and allow American traders to sell weapons to the upgraded Japanese army to fight against those rebels. During the first encounter between them, Algren falls and is captured by the enemy.

He is then taken to the samurai village up in the mountains where he learns to interact with them, discovers their culture and observes their fighting methods. Captain Algren says in the film that Samurai are the most disciplined people he has ever met. Throughout the movie, the Samurai were shown to be extremely polite. They are very polite even to a man who has killed a very close person from their family.

In the movie Taka is very polite to the person that killed her husband. Algren becomes so impregnated with the values that the samurai defend, that he practically becomes more than the last samurai essay one of them and ends up leading them along sides Katsumoto into battle facing his own battalion. Compassion is an emotion that the Samurai have mastered. It is a feeling that occurs when seeing others in physical, mental or emotional pain.

The respect and compassion go hand-in-hand and if a samurai felt compassion for anyone they would do whatever is possible to make the sufferer feel better. Katumoto, for example, the last samurai essay, felt remorse towards Algren and he offered him a chance to commit Seppuku, the last samurai essay.

This is an honourable custom for the Samurai to end their own life after defeat. It was her husband that was killed by Algren during the battle. There are two main protagonists in the plot: Algren and Katsumoto. They are representatives of two very different cultures which hardly have anything in common.

They display different types of leadership which are closely correlated with their cultural differences. When the samurai enjoys moments of silence, the captain is frustrated with his non-talkative guard. There are many variations in behavior that can be explained with regards to their conception of personal space and traditions.

Katsumoto takes his time before making a decision but this time makes the decision wiser and more rational. The spirituality of the Japanese culture as well as their the last samurai essay are omnipresent in all aspects of their lives.

Algren is amazed by their devotion to the perfection of their everyday tasks and is intrigued with the spirituality that emanates from their beliefs.

This is one of the major discrepancies between the two men and this is the aspect of leadership that Algren learns from Katsumoto. As the plot develops, the last samurai essay, the relationship between the two grows from enemies, prisoner and oppressor, teacher and student, partners with common interests, even reaching the friendship state. In the scene with the final battle, Katsumoto confides in his friend seemingly afraid of the outcome, the last samurai essay.

All through this movie, Algren displays values of a charismatic leader that is not however always admired for his choices. As the character develops, many aspects of leadership can be observed through the ideals that he represents. First of all, honour is somehow the dominant value in the plot as it encompasses truth beyond practicality and efficiency.

This is one of the concepts that Captain Algren learned during the time he spent with the samurai. In the plot, honour is frequently interlinked to courage and can be admired in the struggle of the warriors and their leaders as much in the last samurai essay battles or field wars.

As Algren confronts Katsumoto, he discovers a spirituality, consisting in loyalty, the last samurai essay, heroism, courage, justice, courtesy, the last samurai essay, compassion and sincerity.

In each situation, the interaction between characters is explained and the aspects of leadership underlined. A few quotes:. Their master or teacher is like their god. Failure is unbearable for them, they would rather die instead of live with the memory of unsuccess.

But there is indeed something spiritual in this place. And though it may forever be obscure to me, I cannot but be aware of its power.

After touching upon the samurai culture he is changed, he sees the world with his inner eyes. He has new sensations for thoughts, feelings, morality, loyalty, honour.

He does not take war the way he took it before. Now he is an honourable man and warrior, proud of himself, not ashamed of his previous deeds.

Nathan Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed. Nathan Algren: I will tell you how he lived, the last samurai essay. He honours life, not death. He is certain that deeds are important and they are reasons for living a worth life. Deeds are what stay after a person is gone and they speak of what kind of person they have been while on earth.

Conclusion: This analysis portrays the characteristic traits that represent the leadership attitudes of Nathan Algren, the main actor in the synopsis. However, another character is worth being also studied in his positions, principles and uncommon behaviors. Katsumoto, the Samurai rebel, is the incarnation of a true leader whom followers respect and admire to the point where they would be willing to devote their lives for him out of conviction and affection. A relevant point to the interaction between the two types of leaders is one of the most important features of leadership perpetuity.

Katsumoto takes the responsibility of steering Algren and molding his character to conduct him to become his the last samurai essay. Sorry, the last samurai essay, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.

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The Beauty Of The Last Samurai

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Free The Last Samurai Essay Sample

the last samurai essay

 · Essay title: The Last Samurai The idea of honor is different to many people. The dictionary defines honor as, That which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration; self-respect; dignity; courage; fidelity; especially, excellence of character; high moral worth; virtue; nobleness; specifically, in men, integrity; uprightness; trustworthiness; in women, purity; blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins The Last Samurai addresses the sense of duty, honor, dignity, and wisdom as the defining virtues prior to significant historical events and their driving forces. Thus, as the work of art, it is interesting in terms in terms of socio-cultural, ethnological, and philosophical analysis. The Last Samurai is a film directed by Edward blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Film Review Paper #: Read Full Paper. The war is driven by the modern military which has abandoned its warrior ethic and now fights with guns -- a theme repeated in The Last Samurai. Again Funakoshi

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