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Pirates of silicon valley essay

Pirates of silicon valley essay

pirates of silicon valley essay

Essay on Pirates of Silicon Valley Highwaymen of the Superhighway Essay. Internet pirates will make media such as movies, television shows, and music Sadie Hawkins Day and Valentine Grams. By Felicia Jin ABC^2, Make-A-Wish and Chinese clubs sold Valentine grams and Marketing Case Study - 26/9/ · Essay Sample: Computers, it’s what our world revolves around now both inside and outside of the classroom. Has one ever wondering who created this gadget? Where did +1 () Free essays. These questions are answered in the movie Pirates of the Silicon Valley. The movie Pirates of Silicon Valley portrays how Steve Jobs and Apple Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins 10/7/ · The film “PIRATES OF SILICON VALLEY” is all about how Apple and Microsoft got started. This creative activity was made because of the two intelligent people: Steve Jobs for Apple and Bill Gates for Microsoft. It shows how the first Apple computing machine was made which is the blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Pirates of Silicon Valley Essay

Internal: An innovation process must have a defined goal, mission, and vision to keep the innovation competitive and successful. A firm should start with internal planning and move on to the execution of their innovation once goals and objectives have been defined.

Steve Jobs was a rebel who built illegal blue boxes and spent his youthful energies pulling pranks that repeatedly got him suspended from high school. Jobs was, in essence, a jazz musician who relied on his innate creativity, and turned his lack of formal training into a strength rather than a weakness. Furthermore, IBM laughed at this idea and even questioned why an ordinary person would need a computer. Finally, despite being turned down by investors and laughed at for his ideas, Apple was born in his pirates of silicon valley essay, and the Macintosh was born.

Jobs believed in closed-systems or fully-integrated systemsmeaning that one company designed the computer, the software and all connected devices and peripherals. This belief is what gives Apple products their unique look, and also why Apple products work so well together. Jobs had a successful internal innovation process because he had the technological expertise, a clear vision guiding him to success, and a supportive team that was prepared to work late nights and long days to make this vision become a reality.

They eventually dropped out of Harvard to pursue their passion of programming and with the invention of BASIC a new vision was born. They got signed by MITS and convinced competitors, IBM, Xerox, and Apple that they needed his expertise to write code for their computers.

Once Gates had his foot in the door at Apple, pirates of silicon valley essay, he had access to new code and ideas, which got him thinking he could do it better than Jobs was doing at Apple. It appears Gates was more unorganized than Jobs in the sense that he lacked proper preparation. He had an incomplete operating system until he stole code from other systems like Xerox and Apple.

Although this was a dishonest plan, he succeeded by tricking his competitors and ultimately joined Apples team in the end, keeping his project hidden on the side. External: External innovation involves enhancing or adding to something that already exists. While he did not notice it at the time, his biggest competitor, Bill Gates, was pirating his software behind his back.

Jobs demanded too much of his workers and in return his company despised working for him. Ultimately, Jobs succeeded in his external innovation process but at the cost of losing friends, and good employees. Unlike Steve Jobs, Bill Gates was more successful through his external innovation process.

The Microsoft model was a product of imitating his competitors. Bill Gates convinced his competitors that they needed his talents and in return he gained invaluable knowledge. He did not collapse under pressure and stayed humble throughout his success to ultimately take advantage of his competitors and land on top. For both internal and external acquisition of technology, how was implementation handled? What pirates of silicon valley essay were Jobs and Gates Hardware and Software particularly lacking?

Implementation was handled fairly well by both Jobs and Gates. Jobs had a somewhat fairly well thought out plan in the sense that he went around everywhere for loans and eventually changed his image in order to better his chances. Jobs implemented his first innovation, Lisa through Apple, pirates of silicon valley essay. He had reputable tangible assets including capital, technology, office space, pirates of silicon valley essay, and many technicians.

While the technicians were vital assets to Jobs, they were being over worked and were under appreciated. Throughout the movie it is clear that there was a negative company culture emerging, which inversely impacted his intangible assets. This displays how Apple workers disliked Jobs as a leader and were constantly on edge from lack of sleep and high expectations.

The film portrayed Bill Gates as a superior leader than Jobs because he remained loyal to his team throughout the film. Beginning in his garage and eventually moving towards a partnership with Apple, Gates was able to continuously motivate his team and keep morale high. He focused on engaging his team and explained to competitors how they needed his expertise to create a programming language. Gates gained all the resources he needed through gaining access to his competitors software and ended with great a implementation process for Microsoft.

In both of their implementation processes, they lacked a bit of control and awareness. Jobs once Apple computers became bigger than just two guys in a garage was not fully aware of what he was becoming and what he was doing to his company internally.

He had two different sides in his company competing against each other and he also treated his employees like machines rather than people. How well did Jobs and Gates understand the environment in which they were trying to compete? What specific areas challenged their chance of success in the environment? In understanding the environment that Gates and Jobs were competing in, they understood it very well.

Both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had extensive knowledge about building and coding computers. Jobs had a vision of giving the public access to computers, pirates of silicon valley essay.

He was very knowledgeable in starting Apple and turning his vision into reality. Similarly, Gates was skilled in computer programming and was able to build Microsoft with the help of his competitors. He was forced to grow up very quickly and without the experience, his image as a leader suffered. In one scene of the movie, Jobs walks into an interview barefoot and tells the candidate that he pirates of silicon valley essay not belong at Apple and then makes inappropriate personal attacks.

This lack of professionalism shows that Jobs did not pirates of silicon valley essay managerial skills or leadership experience. On the other hand, it is clear Gates had business experience or had at least studied business topics. Gates knew how much he could get away with. His sneakiness got him the information he needed but at the expense of jeopardizing his integrity. The areas that challenged their chance of success in the environment were consumers and IBM.

IBM said no one would use personal computers because average everyday people had no use for one. Finally, while both had extensive computer technology knowledge, Jobs lacked personal business skills and Gates lacked pirates of silicon valley essay defined plan of action.

They both knew they were on to something bigger than the both of them and this is not always an easy idea to cope with. Pirates of Silicon Valley. Accessed May 19, Pirates of Silicon Valley Categories: Innovation Operating System Pirates. Download paper. Essay, Pages 6 words. Get a verified writer to help you with Pirates of Silicon Valley.

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Movie Analysis - The Pirates of Silicon Valley

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FREE Pirates of Silicon Valley Essay

pirates of silicon valley essay

24/8/ · Pirates of the Silicon Valley – Reaction Pirates of the Silicon Valley is a film showing how personal computers evolved from mere boxes with buttons into modern-day computers with mouse, screens and colorful displays. This is a film about Steve Jobs (played by Noah Wyle) the co-founder of Apple Computers and Bill Gates (played by Anthony Hall) co-founder of Microsoft Essay on Pirates of Silicon Valley Highwaymen of the Superhighway Essay. Internet pirates will make media such as movies, television shows, and music Sadie Hawkins Day and Valentine Grams. By Felicia Jin ABC^2, Make-A-Wish and Chinese clubs sold Valentine grams and Marketing Case Study - 8/10/ · What makes it called “Pirates of San francisco? ” However, what is strange of this condition is that Apple stole the “windows concept” from Photocopied; hence the title, “The pirates of Silicon Valley”. Silicon Valley can be an area of northern Cal where the computer development of the ’s and ’s surged

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