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The death of ivan ilych essay

The death of ivan ilych essay

the death of ivan ilych essay

 · In the Death of Ivan Ilych, Tolstoy presents one of the main characters, Ivan Ilych as a person who does not have a stand of his own but is dictated by the society. This essay analyzes the life of Ivan Ilych in the context of Man’s Search for Meaning, by Frankl Viktor. To achieve this target, the essay gives a brief summary of Death of Ivan Ilych with special focus on Ivan Ilych, The Death of Ivan Ilych Poor Ivan Ilych is plagued by not one, but two diseases. While his "floating kidney" ends his life, it is a temporal disease - which is actually healed as his kidney disease progresses - that ruins his life. Ivan spends his life in a small Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins  · April 13, by Essay Writer. Leo Tolstoy, born in Russia in , wrote The Death of Ivan Ilych. The story was written eight years after Tolstoys spiritual conversion and was inspired by his own brothers death. The Death of Ivan

The Death of Ivan Ilych essay Essay — Free college essays

In the Death of Ivan IlychTolstoy presents one of the main characters, Ivan Ilych as a person who does not have a stand of his own but is dictated by the society. To achieve this target, the essay gives a brief summary of Death of Ivan Ilych with special focus on Ivan Ilych, a shallow judge manipulated by the society. The Death of Ivan Ilych commences on a sad note when judges are privately meeting and learn about the death of Ilych, through Peter Ivanovich, a close friend to the allegedly dead person Tolstoy 1.

Even though the judges are unhappy about the death of Ivan, they cannot help but marvel at the opportunities which had been created by the departure of their colleague. For this reason, they are consoled by the fact that they are not the ones who have died, but a different person. As a second born in a family of three, Ivan is described as an average person in the society, the death of ivan ilych essay. He studies law, becomes a magistrate and moves to a different province.

Ivan decides to distance himself from the family and sinks in his official duties. He looks for another job in St. Petersburg and purchases a high-class house the death of ivan ilych essay his family Tolstoy Ivan gets unwell after experiencing pain in his left side, associated with the minor accident he had before. As the situation gets worse, Ivan visits several doctors who disagree on his illness, making him fearful and depressed Tolstoy He is filled with immortality thoughts and believes that his illness was a die or live issue and finds no way of changing his ever-deteriorating condition, the death of ivan ilych essay, which cannot be understood by his wife.

Gerasim gives his best in helping Ivan who observes pretence in those around him and are unable to confront the reality of death. He ponders about death and finds joy in his previous life memories. He believes that his prosperous past could not allow him to understand his suffering and maintains his artificiality view over those around him even at his death point.

He believes that by imitating those in high social status, he will find satisfaction and happiness in life. He marries because of his status, and buys an expensive house to match his perceived status.

He reduces his relationships to almost nothing as he sees everybody to be artificial. This isolation earns him pain and total dissatisfaction even at death point. His death forces him to reflect on his life and confront the consequences of his isolation. Through this confrontation of reality, he notices that he had not lived rightly. He realizes that love and compassion are the main values to be upheld in life and are a major source of joy and happiness, the death of ivan ilych essay.

However, he does this authorship without vengefulness and bitterness. He reflects on how prisoners reacted towards death camps in three phases and through personal experiences, noting that victors of brutality were characterized by the right conduct.

The three phases; admission, the death of ivan ilych essay, entrenchment and liberation presented different challenges. According to the author, inmates lost meaning in life during the final phase by reflecting on passed events and the murder of family members. He notes that seekers of empty pleasures find life to be meaningless. This view can be directly linked to Ivan Ilych who lived a life of seeking pleasure in everything without realizing the true values of life.

As a result of a meaningless life, some inmates remained in bed instead of reporting to work as expected by prison rules. In comparison, Ivan takes an absence leave after missing a promotion to a higher paying job, not factoring in other factors which may have cost him as a way of seeking pleasure, the death of ivan ilych essay.

From personal experience, Frankl learnt the need of being responsible in solving problems and performing tasks Frankl He further affirms that there is no value in seeking a convenient and inspiring meaning towards life. When he reflects on the death of ivan ilych essay previous life, the death of ivan ilych essay, he is unable to find the meaning of life and believes that his success could not allow him to understand his suffering and the problem at hand.

When his wife gets pregnant, he is unhappy because of her change in behavior that generates inconveniences, the death of ivan ilych essay. As a result, Ivan gets absorbed in his official work as a magistrate, forgetting the love that his wife needed during the pregnancy period.

According to Frankl, the meaning of life is found in unavoidable suffering moments of our lives. This seems impractical to Ivan who tries to run from challenges and searches the meaning of life in his prosperous past instead of confronting his suffering and death that are unavoidable.

Since his unsuccessful promotion quest was beyond his control, Ivan was to find meaning of life in this situation but fails to do so by quitting and finding pleasure in a better paying job. He believes that the inability of people to see meaning in life is the root cause of frustrations and self-destructive traits.

This approach contrasts Ivan who finds no meaning in life and develops self-destructive behaviors. These include distancing himself from family members and seeing artificiality the death of ivan ilych essay every person around him. Frankl denounces a life that is based on self mechanism Frankl He finds the death of ivan ilych essay in life by being overwhelmed by the need for material gain and rising to a higher social status.

This mechanism forces him to live a life of others by sinking into an aristocratic society. The most significant argument presented by Frankl is his emphasis on individual definition of life.

He believes that numerous situations and challenges pave way for the understanding of life. He further notes that the purpose of life keeps on changing as long as one lives. Does this apply to Ivan? While he is seeking the meaning of life in his past, Frankl recommends the integration of current situations in finding a realistic meaning for life. Additionally, Frankl notes that anticipatory anxiety generates prophecies that are aimed at fulfilling ones desires. On the other hand, hyper-intension refers to trying beyond allowed limits to achieve something falling outside our reach, to fulfill a certain behavior within us.

Conversely, Ivan is overwhelmed by the fear of death after all doctors gave conflicting prescriptions. This fear makes him to be arrogant and sees malice in his family members. Need a custom Explicatory Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.

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The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy - Chapter 9

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The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Words | Essay Example

the death of ivan ilych essay

The Death of Ivan Ilych Poor Ivan Ilych is plagued by not one, but two diseases. While his "floating kidney" ends his life, it is a temporal disease - which is actually healed as his kidney disease progresses - that ruins his life. Ivan spends his life in a small Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins  · April 13, by Essay Writer. Leo Tolstoy, born in Russia in , wrote The Death of Ivan Ilych. The story was written eight years after Tolstoys spiritual conversion and was inspired by his own brothers death. The Death of Ivan  · In the Death of Ivan Ilych, Tolstoy presents one of the main characters, Ivan Ilych as a person who does not have a stand of his own but is dictated by the society. This essay analyzes the life of Ivan Ilych in the context of Man’s Search for Meaning, by Frankl Viktor. To achieve this target, the essay gives a brief summary of Death of Ivan Ilych with special focus on Ivan Ilych,

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