19/3/ · Essay # 1. Introduction to Job Description: It is an organized factual statement of job contents in the form of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. The preparation of job description is very important before a vacancy is advertised. It tells in brief the nature and type of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 25/4/ · thesis on church planting pro con argument essay Reflective example of essay These data indicate that the apostrophe is still subject to such a com pany description job sample essays. In sentences , analyst claims are presented in your results chapter example 6. 8 table 8. 10 pearson correlations between the groups Job Description And Job Analysis Words | 5 Pages Job: A job is a collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities which as a whole, is regarded as a regular assignment to individual employees and which is different from other assignments
Job Description, Essay Example | blogger.com
Within every job or organization, there are jobs and tasks that are assigned to all employees, whether it is from the top, such as the president of a company, job description essay, on down to the employees that actually run the operation.
In those tasks, there are also documents that are called job descriptions that are set in place for the employees to follow, job description essay. In the following paragraphs we will discuss about how important job descriptions are in the HR world. A job description is a document that identifies characteristics of the job to be performed in terms of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities an employee must fulfill Youssef, In this paper, we are going to look at the job description my own job, which is an assistant manager for a retail company.
The tasks that an assistant manager has is to lead their employees, delegate tasks that are given on a day to day basis, make sure that they are scheduling their employees at the right times for the right areas.
The tools and technology that an assistant manager needs to have is to have knowledge of knowing how job description essay navigate the computer, job description essay, be able to pull up reports when needed job description essay, and have knowledge of how to navigate the handheld system when needed to. Also assistant managers have to have to a cell phone in their possession at all times job description essay they never know when they are going to be called.
The knowledge that assistant managers need to have is that they need to be job description essay knowledgeable of their sales and what is going on in their areas of responsibility. They should be able to drive sales and help provide the best customer service to the highest level. The skill that an assistant manager should have is at least 2 years of management experience and 1 year of retail experience. They can also have 2 years of prior grocery retail experience and 2 years of management experience.
This retail chain also honors the military branches as well. The ways that I would to advertise a job opening would be to have to advertise it on the radio, newspaper, television, and also social media such as Facebook.
I think that job description essay ways of advertisements have been helpful because it helps to get the message out there and people respond to it very well. Social media has really been a great help in promoting jobs for my company and getting the word out to potential applicants because in this day and age, job description essay, everybody is on some type of social media program.
One of the assessments that I like to use when trying to recruit new employees is using the 3 panel interview. This interviewing process consists of first being the hourly supervisor asking the potential applicant a series of questions. After the hourly supervisor asked the series of questions and they were satisfied in how the applicant answered the questions, then they would turn the applicant over to the next manager, which would be the salaried assistant manager.
The salaried manager would ask another series of questions job description essay the applicant. Then if the salaried manager felt as though the applicant answered the questions job description essay, then they would then proceed to the next and job description essay step and that would be to have an interview with the store manager or shift manager if the store manager was not available.
Job descriptions are critical in every organization. It helps the organization to have a plan for all employees if they are struggling with what tasks or jobs they are responsible for doing. This provides the employee a guide to revert back to when they need help. This does not replace the hands on training that they need.
Advertising is the jump start on how an organization can get the ball rolling on hiring and selection process. The interview process is a very important process as well. It gives the applicant and the interviewer a chance to have that interaction before they actually are hired. With all of these qualities together, the organization should have a smooth hiring process, job description essay.
Youssef, C. Human resouce mangement. San Diego, job description essay, CA: Bridgepoint Education. Job Description Paper. Accessed May 19, Job Description Paper Categories: Essay Interview Job Management Social Media. Download paper. Essay, job description essay, Pages 3 words. Get a verified writer to help you with Job Description Paper. Top Writers. Verified expert.
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11/6/ · A job description has significant impact across the whole range of Human resources management because it provides the employer with job information for posting and advertising a job. In addition, a job description is a good tool for employers to explain and clarify duties, responsibilities, and reporting lines of a job to a new employee JOB TITLE: CARE ASSISTANT JOB DESCRIPTION Provides personal care and activities of daily living for clients/patients/residents to encourage desired level of functioning and operating. Supports clients/patients/residents in meeting their somatic, emotive and psychological needs 19/8/ · A job description is a document that identifies characteristics of the job to be performed in terms of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities an employee must fulfill (Youssef, ).Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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