Thursday, May 20, 2021

Graffiti art or vandalism essay

Graffiti art or vandalism essay

graffiti art or vandalism essay

Graffiti is art when it is beautiful like a painting. Graffiti is vandalism is usually profanity or a pencil drawing on a desk or marks on a wall. Graffiti can sometimes be art but I think it is vandalism. Here are some reasons why I think graffiti is vandalism There are different types of graffiti. It’s art when it’s like the Mona Lisa or a painting on a canvas Is it art, vandalism, or could it be both. Graffiti is a relatively new and developing art form that presents a lot of controversy due to its involvement of illegality. A lot of people see graffiti and instantly label it as vandalism and not an art form; however, by legal definition that’s not always the case May 15,  · Mention the word ‘graffiti’ and what typically comes to mind is something unpleasant and distasteful like indecent language scribbled on a wall of a store or crude pictures. Most graffiti is characterized as vandalism on property that does not belong to the culprit. Graffiti also displays negative graphics that

Graffiti: Art or Vandalism - Free Essay Example |

What is graffiti? Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface. This artwork did most times without permission, I understand this is why people say it is vandalism. If you glanced at the sites, no graffiti art or vandalism essay where you are, you can find graffiti.

It will be in forms of writing taggingpictures, symbols, and many other forms. Graffiti is one of those topics found in conversation. To most people graffiti is destructive and unforgivable. There will be others that find that graffiti is a work of art. Anyone can create graffiti. I understand graffiti will appear on all sorts of structures, including train boxcars, buildings, walls, and many other structures.

My first thought of this as well, I believe graffiti will be both art and vandalism. First, it will depend on the work or creation of the artist, and graffiti art or vandalism essay message it carries to everyone who sees it. A good graffiti is an allowed expression of art. Course bad graffiti art or vandalism essay is a work that is unwelcome So I went back to my hometown of Rogers, Arkansas, where there remains a set of several examples of bad graffiti.

This site consisted of foul language, tagging, and inappropriate scenes. There remain three tunnel-like features that remain covered in this graffiti. The scene is a popular place for kids and teenagers go hang at. I live in Bentonville, Arkansas. Here you will find buildings, walls, and sidewalks covered in Graffiti. Bentonville is using positive graffiti art all over the city here. We believe adults, children, and teenagers shall consider to express themselves, with whatever art form they see fit to use.

Our City has a museum here that welcomes graffiti art. They believe graffiti is a healthy way for artists to express their creativity. Course graffiti art or vandalism essay the artwork is small or large, all art is welcome. Several people have used graffiti to make memorial art for someone who has perished from this Earth. Some examples of this type of art are as follows: Chester Bennington memorial, Aaliyah Memorial, and the famous Tupac Shakur memorial, graffiti art or vandalism essay.

Honestly, graffiti is natural for good than bad. Most artists who started using graffiti ended up making a career of their artwork. Many artists in the world have managed to create their own businesses. By doing this they made thousands of dollars off their work. They share their work with the world. This has helped several rid themselves of bad living situations, and to secure a better future for their families.

He is wrong and refusing to see the art with an open mind. The gentleman sees the bad points of the art. He is looking at the artwork from a different perspective.

I believe he is being judgmental and greedy. I understand that graffiti has been in our history for a long time, maybe longer than we realize. If you read the history of graffiti, you will find it has an amazing timeline.

In conclusion, graffiti will be both vandalism and art. We have to choose how we have art seen in others eyes. I believe people should have an open mind on art. Whether anyone else agrees with me, I believe art is art no matter what form it seems as, graffiti art or vandalism essay. Everyone should enjoy all the art forms in the world.

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, time: 5:32

Is Graffiti Art or Vandalism? - Free Essay Example |

graffiti art or vandalism essay

Graffiti is art when it is beautiful like a painting. Graffiti is vandalism is usually profanity or a pencil drawing on a desk or marks on a wall. Graffiti can sometimes be art but I think it is vandalism. Here are some reasons why I think graffiti is vandalism There are different types of graffiti. It’s art when it’s like the Mona Lisa or a painting on a canvas Apr 13,  · Graffiti is a true art with different meanings that involves many styles and risks that can damage artists physically and socially. Graffiti is an art, not a simple tagging on a trash can or an alley wall but an actual mural that represents meanings in every detail, style, and even every blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Mar 31,  · In conclusion, graffiti will be both vandalism and art. We have to choose how we have art seen in others eyes. Graffiti is another way like all other art forms, a way to express one’s self. I believe people should have an open mind on art. Whether anyone else agrees with me, I believe art is art no matter what form it seems as/5(45)

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