· Types of Students Classification Essay - Writing Guide with Examples. A classification essay's primary goal is to categorize ideas, characters, or objects with shared traits into specific classes. Most frequently, such paper is assigned at the college level. The classification essay writing involves in-depth research/10() · Lastly, every category must include examples. Keeping these three things in mind would make a classification or division essay much easier to write. Thesis Statement for a Classification or Division Essay. The classification or division essays usually include the topic, and how it is blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Classification Essay Sample Types of Diets A diet can be described as a plan for drinking and eating that is fixed to the amount and the type of foods and drinks that one has to ingest in order to achieve a specific lifestyle
Classification Essay Examples That Will Help to Write Your Paper
NO JAMB LOW FEES. Registration In Progress. Call NOW! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE! Classification Essay Examples: A classification essay is another type of essay. And in this essay, things are categorized. Also, you shall read some classification essay examples. This is aimed at guiding you as you write yours. However, before then, what is a classification essay?
Though some students find it difficult writing this essay, note. You shall be given some guidelines on how to write this essay at ease. While anticipating some classification essay examplesnote. In a classification essaythings are organized into categories. Also, examples of things that fit into each category are given. You can classify things following the following steps:. While anticipating some classification essay examples, note.
Below is how to write an effective classification essay:. For example, if you say the water sports of Hawaii include snorkeling and sailing, examples of classification essays. But leave out surfing. Once you have categories, make sure that they fit into the same organizing principle, examples of classification essays. The organizing principle is how you sort the groups. Also, do not allow a different principle to pop up unexpectedly. In general, examples of classification essays, you should write the same quantity.
That is, give the same number of examples, for each category. The most important category, examples of classification essays reserved for last, might require more elaboration. Below are some examples of classification essays the classification essay examples :. Students considering a career in psychology have several career options for when they graduate. Before students consider applying to a graduate school in psychology, it helps to understand the three main types of psychological inquiry and to pursue an appropriate program.
The three main categories for a person who is interested in psychology include counseling and clinical psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. Counseling and clinical psychology refers to the branches of psychology that works directly with people with the goal of helping them with problems or mental health issues.
Examples of counseling psychology jobs include being a counselor at a school, or having a private counseling or life coaching practice. Clinical psychologists tend to work more in a clinical setting such as a mental health institute, examples of classification essays, or researching different mental health issues like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
There are many different theoretical approaches to the work of counseling and clinical psychology including psychoanalysis in the Freudian tradition, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and positive psychology.
Psychiatry refers to the branch of psychology that focuses on pharmacological interventions to mental health issues. For example, a psychiatrist would prescribe anti-depressants or anti-psychotics to patients who have been diagnosed with a clinical mental health disorder. Although psychiatry can be combined with other types of psychology, it is a special area of study that requires attendance in medical school, which is why a student of psychology needs to know whether the field is right for them, examples of classification essays.
Psychiatrists specialize in prescribing the latest research-based medications and interventions that other psychologists cannot prescribe. Neuroscience is a examples of classification essays of psychology that is focused on the study of the human brain. For example, a neuroscientist might study the effect of anger on the release of brain chemicals or hormones in the brain.
A neuroscientist might also study the effect of specific drugs on examples of classification essays brain. Neuroplasticity is another field unique to neuroscience.
Often, neuroscience is combined with cognitive psychology to study how the brain and mind interact, and whether it is possible to learn more about human consciousness. Unlike other types of psychology, neuroscience will rarely involve working directly with people, which is why a examples of classification essays who wants to become a neuroscientist will need to be comfortable in a laboratory environment.
Psychology can be divided into three main fields: counseling or clinical psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. Each of these fields offers exciting possibilities for the student interested in psychology. However, before applying to graduate school, the student should research each of these career categories to make appropriate decisions.
A diet can be described as a plan for drinking and eating that is fixed to the amount and the type of foods and drinks that one has to ingest in order to achieve a specific lifestyle.
The most popular diets are those which concern the changes in weight. The main factors affected such a popularity of this type of diets are fashion industry and popularization of healthy lifestyle. One of the diet that is popular with people who want to maintain the weight they currently have or lose it is the zone diet. This is where the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are balanced in examples of classification essays ratio of respectively Pellizzon, and Ricci A person who wants to lose his or her weight should take food with unrefined carbohydrates, fats such as examples of classification essays and olive oils, as well as nuts.
People who would want to skip exercises to burn calories adopt this diet as well as maintaining a network of like-minded friends who form an association. The weight watchers can either meet physically or online or encourage each other on how to lose weight. This diet is more psychological than nutritional. Many diseases are associated with lifestyle and therefore many diets are prescribed by doctors to people who suffer from certain diseases.
Thus, Atkins diet focuses on insulin levels control, examples of classification essays. It is mostly examples of classification essays in food rich in fats and proteins Wakana, et al People with high insulin levels avoid foods rich in refined carbohydrates because they examples of classification essays energy levels in the body making it release more insulin.
People suffering from epilepsy and other brain disorders are advised to take the kinetic diet. This means they reduce the uptake of carbohydrates and ingest foods that are rich in fats. This allows the body to burn fats as fuel as opposed to carbohydrates. These fats are broken down to produce ketones which are essential for brain metabolism.
However, this diet should be avoided by people suffering from diabetes 1 because their consumption may result in a diabetic coma which may lead to death. The third type of diets we discuss in this essay, is one related to views and values. One of the most popular diet associated with religion and ethics, not science, is vegetarian. Many people are vegetarians by choice or because of their religious affiliations Mohsen, et al Vegetarians can be divided into different categories such as semi-vegetarians, pesco vegetarians, ovovegetarians, living food diet vegetarians, lacto-ovo vegetarians, fruitarian vegetarians and lactovegetarians.
Majority of vegetarians are categorized as Lacto-ovo vegetarians, that is, they do not eat animal products except honey, dairy, and eggs. Vegetarians have a longer life expectancy, suffer less from diseases and have a lower body weight compared to people who eat meat.
A vegan diet is more philosophical than nutritional. People who observe this diet avoid all animal products mostly for environmental, compassionate and ethical reasons. There are people who observe the raw foodism diet Pellizzon, and Ricci They consume organic foods and drinks, which are not processed in any way. They eat uncooked food which is mostly plant products the four main types of raw foodists include the raw carnivores, raw omnivores raw vegans, and raw vegetarians, examples of classification essays.
A type of diet people choose depends on reasons that boost them to follow a diet. Those people who want to take preemptive measures and avoid lifestyle diseases adopt a diet which helps them to keep balance among carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Some people had to keep specific diet, such as people who suffer from diabetes 1. Others follow diets that correspond their views.
There is not better or worse diet. One should choose a diet according to his or her aims. Delivered by TMLT NIGERIA. Tags : examples of process analysis essay topicsprocess analysis essay conclusion examplesprocess analysis essay examples freeprocess analysis essay examples pdfprocess analysis example paragraphscience process analysis essay topics. Current School News. HOME ABOUT BLOG ADVERTISE CONTACT US PAST QUESTIONS ALL PROJECT MATERIALS English.
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Classification Essay Examples Types of Crimes and Punishments There are different ways to categorize crime: criminal and civil offenses, serious and minor offenses, or violent and non-violent crimes. However, the basic types of crimes that · The classification essay outline has the advantage of staying almost similar even as the idea behind essay changes. Having a good outline is critical to the success of any paper – it serves as an informative guide to you and helps you plan your words essay Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins · ⚽ Classification Essay Topics: Sports. Physical activity is an essential part of life. Some people see sports as a hobby, some as a daily disciple, and others view it as a career. This section has various classification essay topics on sports that will inspire a great thesis statement and a successful paper
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