Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on principal of a school

Essay on principal of a school

essay on principal of a school

1/7/ · (Write a short essay/article/paragraph on If I were a principal of my/our/a school in english, words, CBSE Important for exam.) The proper functioning of a school depends upon its management by the Principal. He is generally a man of long experience, high qualifications, and a pleasing personality. If I were the Principal of a school If I were the principal of my school I would bring about many changes in the system of running the school. Most the ways, rules and regulations have become outdated and need changes. We have a load of work for the students and hardly have they found time to play. The school starts in the morning with assembly and much time is wasted blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins As the Principal of the school, I would declare every Saturday a holiday. I would also have two breaks in my school each of at least 30 minutes duration. Summer break would be of two months, winter and autumn of fifteen days each. I think eight months of studies is more than enough for a blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

Essay on school principal - Class Of Achievers

The proper functioning of a school depends upon its management by the Principal. He is generally a man of long experience, high qualifications, and a pleasing personality. If I were the Principal of a school. I would do all I can for the mental, moral and physical development of the students. I would bring about certain changes to create a healthy atmosphere in the school. I would look to the sanitation of the school and insist on regularity and punctuality both among the teacher and the.

For the mental development of the students, I would try to improve the instructional conditions. On the physical side, I would make games compulsory for all. I would impress upon them the necessity of physical training for health and efficiency at work. I would look to the up-keep of play-grounds for the regular practice of games. For the moral development of children, I would see that proper discipline is maintained in classes. The students obey the school rules, behave well, and inculcate good essay on principal of a school. They keep meat and clean, do not waste their time, and are regular at studies.

I shall provide proper facilities to the students and teachers. The toilets will be properly cleaned. The library will be well equipped. There will be a swimming pool, gym, etc. in school. Extra classes will be arranged for weak students. Awards will be given to the teachers who give a hundred percent result. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Home English writing skills Short Essay on If I were a Principal of my school words, essay on principal of a school.

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If I Were the Principal of My School Essay

essay on principal of a school

1/7/ · (Write a short essay/article/paragraph on If I were a principal of my/our/a school in english, words, CBSE Important for exam.) The proper functioning of a school depends upon its management by the Principal. He is generally a man of long experience, high qualifications, and a pleasing personality. If I were the Principal of a school 9/9/ · Essay on principal The school is an old saying as the Principal. It is true that the progress of the school depends on its Principal Mr Rajneesh Singh, the Principal of our school always thinks in the interest of the school, his grand personality attracts and captivates blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Short essay on the role of school principal. The Principal is the keyman of the school guidance services. Even what the classroom teacher is able to do on his own varies with the Principal's personality, point of view, and knowledge of blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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